I.C.E. music - Lahti


Indisputable case of emergency


According to current projections,

these 100 cities will be under
threat from rising sea levels
by the end of the century

Cities are at the forefront
of fighting climate change

Cities can help us consume less and use resources smartly. Lahti will be a zero-waste circular economy city by 2050.
Urban areas are major sources of emissions, but they can also be instrumental in making the 1.5-degree lifestyle possible.
The way cities source energy has a huge impact on their footprints. Lahti broke free from coal in 2019 and will be a carbon-neutral city by 2025.
Urban planning decisions can encourage sustainable modes of transportation.
Cities can protect nature and valuable surface water and groundwater areas. 8% of Lahti’s total city area will be protected sites by 2030.
Cities can make sustainable decisions easier for people. In Lahti, 99% of household waste is recovered and recycled.

The City of Lahti is the European Green Capital for 2021. A forerunner in environmental issues, it has invested in future-proof urban infrastructure and will reach carbon neutrality in 2025.

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No city will be unaffected by the climate crisis. The cities on this website have been chosen based on reports and findings by the Urban Climate Change Research Network, The World Economic Forum, OECD and Climate Central.