Lahti has been selected as one of Europe's 100 forerunner cities - Lahti

Lahti has been selected as one of Europe’s 100 forerunner cities

Lahti is involved in the EU Comission’s 100 Climate-neutral and Smart Cities Mission. Participating cities will receive tailored support for the drafting and implementing of a climate agreement.

The European Commission aims to support at least 100 European cities to achieve climate-neutrality by 2030. The city of Lahti aims to be the first major city in Finland to be carbon neutrality already by 2025.- Access to this EU mission directly supports the achievement of the city’s 2025 carbon-neutrality goal. It opens up new opportunities for funding and cooperation with other cities, universities and research, says Mayor Pekka Timonen.

The EU is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050, and the role of cities in achieving this goal is significant, as a major proportion of emissions are produced in cities. The pioneering cities selected among the 100 cities will develop and pilot measures and serve as role models for other European cities.

In addition to Lahti, Finnish cities if Lappeenranta, Espoo, Helsinki, Turku and Tampere were selected to the Mission.

European Commission press release: